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The Original of Laura

Dmitri Nabokov junto a escultura de su padre. Foto: Lara Delage-Toriel. Fuente: libraries

La pregunta que todos los amantes de Nabokov nos hacemos antes de bajar de la cama, mientras apagamos el ruido del despertador es: ¿Y hoy será el día en que nos darán la noticia de que van a publicar la novela inédita, y aparentemente no corregida, de Vladímir Nabokov The Original of Laura? No es una pregunta de fácil respuesta. Primero, porque el hijo de Nabokov, Dmitrii, es muy celoso con la memoria de su padre. Y segundo porque si no lo fuera, si quisiera dinero, uno tendría que decidir por dos opciones complicadas: odiarlo por no respetar el deseo de su padre, o amarlo porque nos dio un poquito más del genio. En la revista Slate, Ron Rosenbaum no se aguanta más y da vueltas en tornos al mismo eje en "Dmitri's Choice".

Dice la nota: "To burn or not to burn? It's not a question we can argue over forever. Time is running out, and the stakes are high: Dmitri's past pronouncements suggest that Laura is not merely another scrap of paper. At one point he called it "the most concentrated distillation of [my father's] creativity." Think of that: the final "distillation" of the work of perhaps the greatest, certainly the most complex, writer of the past century. Is it the "key to all mythologies"? The Jamesian "figure in the carpet"? The lens through which—should it survive—we might retrospectively refocus our vision of Nabokov's art? On the other hand, Dmitri has also said Laura "would have been a brilliant, original, and potentially totally radical book, in the literary sense very different from the rest of his oeuvre." Which is not the same as saying that it is a "distillation" in the conventional meaning of the term. It suggests a new revelation. Or perhaps Laura is both, since V.N.'s "distillation" might be an unexpected revelation as well.

Al respecto, en el blog The Literary Saloon recogen unas declaraciones de Dmitrii, en las que da una razón bastante absurda para negarse a publicar el libro (según él, quiere evitar que el manuscrito sea reseñado abusiva y distorsionadamente por los críticos que sobreinterpretaron "Lolita", a los que califica de "Lolitologists"), y le dan un jalón de orejas con justicia ¡Deja de joder, Dmitrii!: "Of all the possible reasons to do the right thing this is the worst -- and a completely ridiculous one. Nothing will ever be able to protect Nabokov and his work from the silliest interpretations and accusations, and withholding this particular ammunition would surely barely stem the flood. Get over it. "

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