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Un amor de Johh Cheever

John Cheever. Ilustración: Joe Giardello/ NYT.

Y ya que hemos mencionado la homosexualidad de Federico García Lorca expuesta por Ian Gibson en una biografía, también valdría la pena mencionar el post en Paper Cuts donde David Kelly comenta un episodio homosexual de Cheever con JH (el músico John Holmes), cuando el primero tenía 66 años y el segundo 55. Kelly cita un episodio que encontró en una entrada de The Nantucket Diary of Ned Rorem 1973-1985 de Ned Rorem:

In 1966 in the wake of “The Paris Diary” I became, briefly and to a meager bookish milieu, America’s official queer, goyim division. (Allen Ginsberg and Paul Goodman had already come out in print.) Thus John Cheever, on seeing me again at Yaddo - we’d met there four years earlier, when I broke my ankle - decided I should be the first (so he claimed) male he would embrace. Of our weeklong idyll I made notes in this book while it was taking place, and during the urban months following while it decayed and died. Of all the infantile authors I’ve known, John was the most likable. … Simply, John once loved me, or so he said, but I was scarcely the only one, and hardly the first. …
I recount this now because, a month ago, dizzy from the international hype that Knopf’s weaving around his new collection, John phoned from Westchester to say he’d be in town on Tuesday and longed to see me: I was “the only homosexual” he knew in New York. Well, I was not to be here on Tuesday, couldn’t he call again? Call again he did, and on the 19th came to lunch. I specifically asked J.H., who has never met John, to be present, although J.H. … has problems too, and violent stomach cramps.
John arrives early. No sooner in the door than he drops his pants, pleads, whispers how lonely he is; I’m already in a state about J.H.’s depression - J.H., who’s to arrive in five minutes - and about the quiche in the oven, and John like a bull in a china closet chases me about, like a Mack Sennett comedy, until I lock myself in the bathroom. “Please come out, I’ll be good.” So I come out, and we sit nervously on the sofa, John still with his trousers around his ankles, when J.H. comes in.
Transformation. At the sight of J.H., John becomes calm, contrite, angelic, in love.
We have lunch, discuss his emotional isolation. J.H. offers to take him to the baths; no, he just wants to sit on the sofa for a while with J.H.’s arms around him. I do the dishes.

Un nuevo biógrafo de John Cheever, Blake Bailey, cuenta el final de la historia de amor entre Cheever y Holmes: “The beginning of the end came when Holmes manifested his ‘lack of maleness’ by commenting on the upholstery of a given hotel’s furniture.” ¿Será cierto esto último? Parece una broma de Seinfeld (¿recuerdan el episodio en que se menciona a Cheever en la serie?)

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