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Richard Morgan, premio Arthur C. Clark

Carátula de la novela. Fuente: strange horizons

Con la novela Black Man (Thirteen en EEUU), un thriller de ciencia ficción sobre un asesino genéticamente modificado, Richard Morgan ha ganado el premio Arthur C. Clark para la ciencia ficción. Y luego de blasfemar de alegría, ha comentado con optimismo la continuidad del género:
The author was thrilled at the award, greeting the winner's £2008 cheque with the words "holy shit". Speaking this morning, a little groggy after a night of celebration, Morgan pronounced himself "absolutely delighted" to be awarded what he considers the "highest accolade in British SF" only five years after his first book was published. He was particularly pleased to have triumphed over a shortlist with so much mainstream fiction on it. "There has been a lot of controversy about this year's shortlist," he said. "It's nice to have won against the mainstream contenders because it shows the genre has tremendous self-confidence." The award searches for the best in science fiction, a task which obliges the judges to examine not only the literary quality of entries, but also their "intellectual underpinning", according to the chair of the judges, Paul Billinger. The panel is looking for an "extra dimension", with the technology imagined by the authors, the worlds they create and their skill at extrapolating into the future are as much under scrutiny as their prose style. "Judges woudn't go for ideas over literary merit, or for literary merit over ideas," he explained. "It's got to be a combination of the two." According to Morgan, science fiction's rise is set to continue. "We live in science-fictional times more than any other time in the past," he said. "The technology we see around us now is out of the world of science fiction, even science fiction of 10 or 15 years ago. Therefore the science fiction genre is ideally placed to take on the 21st century."

Para los que quieran saber más del autor, aquí su web oficial.

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