Franzen insulta
Uno debería ya acostumbrarse al renegón Jonathan Franzen. Deberíamos, pero no nos acostumbramos. Vía The Literary Saloon me entero de sus nuevas andanzas: acaba de insultar a los críticos y reseñistas literarios. Declaró en una mesa redonda:
“The reviews tend to be repetitive and tend to be so filled with error that they’re kind of unbearable to read, even the nice ones,” Franzen said. “The most upsetting thing nowadays is the feeling that there’s no one out there responding intelligently to the text,” he said. “So few people are actually doing serious criticism. It’s so snarky, it’s so ad hominum, it’s so black and white.” “The stupidest person in New York City is currently the lead reviewer of fiction for the New York Times”
Es decir, la persona más estúpida de Nueva York es Michiko Kakutani. El insulto ha rebotado en The Guardian donde se publica el artículo "Why literature's big guns all fear Michiko Kakutani". Dice la nota:
What's significant is the criticism. In 1998, Kakutani was awarded the Pulitzer for her "fearless and authoritative" journalism, and her work has been described as being required reading for literary types. Of all the authors who have bitten back, the most offensive was the late Norman Mailer, who described Kakutani as "a one-woman kamikaze" in 2005, and said he didn't know what had "put the hair up her immortal Japanese ass". He went on to add that the only reason the Times didn't fire her was because she was "a twofer", being "Asiatic" and "feminist". Why Mailer thought the Times would want to fire someone with the guts to describe one of his late books as "silly, self-important and at times inadvertently comical" is beyond me. Other authors take note. Attack Kakutani, and only one person ends up looking stupid: you.
bueno, no podemos saber si Franzen tiene razón o no, pero al menos ataca directamente lo que considera equivocado. Aquí, en España, nadie dice este crítico o esta reseña está mal hecha por esto y por lo otro.
Por qué no nos hablas en otro post de qué es lo que ha convertido a esta crítica (¡una mujer, algo impensable en España y en América Latina!) en la pope de la crítica?
datos, datos, Iván, y así decidiremos si Franzen o la Asiatic Feminist ...
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