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Terry Eagleton jubilado

Terry Eagleton. Fuente: thecrescentartcenter

Terry Eagleton, "Britain's leading Marxist literary critic" como lo califica el diario The Guardian (y espero que eso no afecte a Oquendo ni a Silvio Rendón), cumplirá en julio 65 años y está obligado a jubilarse de la Universidad de Manchester pese a estar aún en plena capacidad intelectual. Algunos especulan que lo separan de la Universidad para que no se encuentre en los pasillos con su reciente rival Martin Amis, también profesor de Manchester. La preocupada nota en The Guardian:

Dice la nota: "Terry Eagleton, Britain's leading Marxist literary critic, faces the axe at Manchester University where he has been involved in one of the most ferocious literary spats of recent years with the novelist Martin Amis. Their verbal duel over Amis's remark about making the Muslim community suffer "until it gets its house in order" was given added piquancy by the fact they were supposed to be colleagues. In July Eagleton reaches retirement age and speculation is mounting about his future at Manchester, which is in the process of losing 650 jobs to clear a £30m debt. (...) The combative literary theorist complained: "They are throwing me out on the grounds of age ... along with two other distinguished professors. We're 65, but it is a discretionary decision. There is some financial crisis going on apparently. It's not as though they pay me a fortune but I suppose they will save something. The students are getting rather het up about it." Eagleton has written that Amis is "with the beasts ... the Muslim-baiters and haters, these days as likely to come from the Groucho and Garrick clubs as the nasty secret venues used by the neo-fascists". Amis is unlikely to attend Eagleton's farewell party, if it comes to that, after remarking that the critic had "submitted to an unworthy combination of venom and sloth", adding: "Can I ask him, in a collegial spirit, to shut up about it?"

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