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Lo que dice Bayard

Carátula de la edición francesa. Fuente: pitoublog

Varias personas han discutido en revistas o blogs las opiniones de Pierre Bayard en su libro, aún no traducido al castellano según tengo entendido, Comment parler des livres que l’on n’a pas lus? (¿Cómo hablar sobre libros que no hemos leído?). Sin ir muy lejos, Gustavo Faverón comentó algo al respecto en Puente Aéreo. Encuentro una columna del autor francés traducida para The Guardian, que puede ser un buen resumen mientras esperamos la traducción, donde declara algo que me llama especialmente la atención. Dice que las razones que nos conduce a hablar de libros que no hemos leído son una serie de "internalised constraints" (restricciones internalizadas) como son la necesidad de leer todos los libros, la necesidad de leer profundamente esos libros y la necesidad de haber leído el libro para hablar sobre éste.

Esto dice Bayard: "Between a book we've read closely and a book we've never even heard of, there is a whole range of gradations that deserve our attention. In the case of books we have supposedly read, we must consider just what is meant by reading, a term that can refer to a variety of practices. Conversely, many books that by all appearances we haven't read exert an influence on us nevertheless, as their reputations spread through society. Reading is not a simple, seamless process; it has fault lines, deficiencies and approximations. Non-reading goes far beyond the act of leaving a book unopened. To varying degrees, books we've skimmed, books we've heard about and books we have forgotten also fall into the rich category that is non-reading. Life, in its cruelty, presents us with a plethora of situations in which we might find ourselves talking about books we haven't read. To get to the heart of things, I believe we must significantly modify how we talk about books, even the specific words we use to describe them. Our relation to books is not the continuous and homogeneous process that certain critics would have us imagine, nor the site of some transparent self-knowledge. Our relation to books is a shadowy space haunted by the ghosts of memory, and the real value of books lies in their ability to conjure these spectres.

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