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Frank Langella como Leonard Schiller. Fuente: papercuts

Hace un tiempo, Alberto Fuguet comentó que para él sus héroes literarios actualmente eran escritores de ficción. Entre ellos mencionó a Hank Moody, de la serie Californication, y a Mike Enslin de la película 1408. Pues ahora tiene un nuevo personaje para escoger. Se trata de Leonard Schiller (interpretado por Frank Langella) de la película Starting Out in the Evening dirigida por Anderew Wagner y basada en la novela de Brian Morton. Gregory Cowles, en el Paper Cuts, se lo recomienda con entusiasmo:
(...) Langella plays a novelist, beautifully. And as the credits rolled, I found myself thinking how rare it is to see the writing life portrayed accurately onscreen. Leonard, the novelist, plunks himself in front of his typewriter, and loses himself in thought, and worries about the path of his career, and protects his creative impulse — he honors the mystery — in a way that feels exactly right: this is what it takes, you feel, to succeed as a writer. Credit for the character’s authenticity goes to Langella himself, of course, but also to Brian Morton, who wrote the original novel, and to Fred Parnes, who adapted it for the screen.The movie doesn’t quote any of Leonard’s work, and that was probably a smart decision. The written word rarely sounds as impressive as it’s meant to in a medium that’s all about dialogue, and a lot of movies about writers lose credibility when they start throwing prose around: “Stranger Than Fiction,” to name a recent lightweight example, and “Dan in Real Life,” to name a slightly more substantial one.

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