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Lo nuevo de Allende

Isabel Allende. Foto: Danilo Schiavella/EPA. Fuente: The guardian

Isabel Allende publicó hace un tiempo una suerte de continuación de la exitosa Paula, un libro autobiográfico que se inicia después de la muerte de su hija y que se titula La suma de los días (Plaza & Janes). En The Guardian comentan la edición de ese libro con una entrevista donde la autora, entre otras cosas, Allende habla sobre su nuevo proyecto: un libro que sucede en el Caribe y tiene como tema la esclavitud. Ojalá converse con la genial Mayra Santos Febres para que le cuente cosas sobre el tema que nadie más le va a contar. Y con una pasión que tampoco la encontrará en otra fuente. Dice la nota:

Allende is currently working on a novel based in the Caribbean about slavery. "I don't know how I got into it. It was not my plan at all. I was planning something about pirates." She is researching the sugar plantations in the Caribbean which were slaughterhouses. "What it is to think that everything you eat might be poisoned, that someone is standing behind you with a whip. That you don't own anything, that you are not a person. You are literally less valuable than a mule is just really appalling. You can't take anything with you. Absolutely nothing. And the people who come after you will destroy it because it's not interesting to them. That's why it's easy for me to leave things behind. And I've done it many times".

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