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Mailer premiado por mal sexo

Dildo y libro. Fuente: blog autié

El concurso sobre el libro del año que tiene la Peor Escena Sexual lo ha ganado el recientemente fallecido Norman Mailer y su novela El castillo en el bosque. Una escena de sexo oral que incluye la frase "coil of excrement" fue definitiva, cuenta The Guardian. El premio se estableció hace 14 años y suele destacar fragmentos considerados "de mal gusto e innecesarios en novelas que en general son de gran calidad". Este año entre los finalistas estuvieron los británicos Jeanette Winterson, por su novela "The Stone Gods" ("Los dioses de piedra"), y David Thewlis, por "The Late Hector Kipling" ("El difunto Hector Kipling"). Otros nominados fueron Richard Milward, Ali Smith, Gary Shteyngart, Christopher Rush y Clare Clark. Durante la ceremonia de premiación, diversos actores leyeron fragmentos de los libros seleccionados.

Les dejo aquí el fragmento que hizo a Mailer ganador induscutible del premio:

"From The Castle in the Forest by Norman Mailer (Little, Brown) p67-68

'Are you all right?' she cried out as he lay beside her, his breath going in and out with a rasp that sounded as terrible as the last winds of their lost children.

'All right. Yes. No,' he said. Then she was on him. She did not know if this would resuscitate him or end him, but the same spite, sharp as a needle, that had come to her after Fanni's death was in her again. Fanni had told her once what to do. So Klara turned head to foot, and put her most unmentionable part down on his hard-breathing nose and mouth, and took his old battering ram into her lips. Uncle was now as soft as a coil of excrement. She sucked on him nonetheless with an avidity that could come only from the Evil One - that she knew. From there, the impulse had come. So now they both had their heads at the wrong end, and the Evil One was there. He had never been so close before.

The Hound began to come to life. Right in her mouth. It surprised her. Alois had been so limp.

But now he was a man again! His mouth lathered with her sap, he turned around and embraced her face with all the passion of his own lips and face, ready at last to grind into her with the Hound, drive it into her piety.

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1:45 p. m.

esto es el colmo, habiendo tantos temas valiosos, premian este tipo de cosas, la gente está osciosa o le sobra la plata???


5:52 a. m.

La gente está ociosa y le sobra la plata.    

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