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Hoy es el Bloomsday. Fuente: the guardian

Como se sabe, hoy es 16 de junio, el día memorable en que Leopoldo Bloom pasea por Dublín en el Ulises de James Joyce, la novela más influyente del siglo XX. En Irlanda el día se conoce, desde hace décadas, como "Bloomsday" y se celebra con diversas actividades. Una de las más conocidas es una carrera que se llevó a cabo el domingo 3 de julio y donde participaron más de 50,000 atletas profesionales y no profesionales. En The Guardian lo celebran con un quiz (que aún no lo hago), además de un post titulado "Bloomsday around the world" donde se preguntan ¿cómo celebrarán el "Bloomsday"? Desayunos con riñoncitos, paseos disfrazados por Dublín, homenajes en centros culturales, lecturas solitarias, e incluso mensajes en twitter y facebook son algunas de las respuestas:

What are your plans for Bloomsday? Over on Twitter, they're urging us to eat "ghastly things for breakfast". I'm not sure I can be tempted to start the day with "the inner organs of beasts and fowls ... thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes", but I could easily be persuaded into a pint later on. "I was blue mouldy for the want of that pint. Declare to God I could hear it hit the pit of my stomach with a click." It might only be ten o'clock but I'm thirsty already - yes, I said yes, I will, yes. Of course, the best place to be would be Dublin, where people are dressing up and following in Leopold Bloom's footsteps around the city, taking part in readings, tours and the eating of offal. If you're lucky enough to be there, the James Joyce centre has a full listing of events. In Philadelphia, the Rosenbach museum and library – home of the Ulysses manuscript – is holding a special exhibition and a series of readings, but there's loads going on all around the world, from Sydney to Austria to Lisbon. I do feel for Mark Folse, trying to organise a get-together in New Orleans on Facebook and not getting very far with it... "I'm not catching an undercurrent of excitement here. If I end up on a soapbox on Frenchman Street reading to the crowd, be sure to stop by and bring me a beer," he writes. I'd be there, Mark, if I wasn't in London. The twittering classes – "the twattering of bards in the twitterlitter"? – are trying to get the #bloomsday tag into Twitter's trending topics; smatterings of quotes – "the heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit"; "Stately plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed" – are intermingling with plans for the day and pledges to actually read the book. At Throwaway Horse, they've been twittering the events of the entire novel over the last week in preparation for the launch of their Ulysses comic – it looks great. Whatever you're doing, have a wonderful Bloomsday, and please share your plans and your favourite quotes with us here

Por otra parte, no solo en Europa y EE.UU. recuerdan el 16 de junio. Numerosos blogs en castellan lo han hecho durante todo el día y en Argentina, según cuenta Ñ, hoy a las 7 pm, en el Salón Dorado de la Municipalidad (Av. de Mayo 575, 2do piso), se presentará el "Bloomsday en Buenos Aires". Por mi parte, yo lo he celebrado poniendo esto en el status de mi cuenta caleta de Facebook: "Bloom, remember, el verdadero amor sí existe".

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9:33 a. m.

Parece que no te enteraste de la tremenda capacidad convocatoria de Portnoy, con unos 50 blogs apuntándose a la llamada para escribir un post sobre el tema.    

10:01 a. m.

El bloom's day es para cobardes. Hagamos un Joaquín Camino's week-end, ahí los quiero ver.    

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