Jian Rong, Man Asian Literary Prize
Gracias a un post en The Literary Saloon me entero de que el escritor chino Jian Rong ganó en noviembre el Man Asian Literary Prize, por su novela Wolf Totem. El post, en realidad, trata sobre un post en el blog de The Guardian, escrito por Daniel Kalder y titulado significativamente: "When did you last read a central Asian writer?"
Dice la nota: "Chinese author Jiang Rong won the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize for ``Wolf Totem,'' beating four other short-listed authors. The $10,000 award, sponsored by hedge-fund company Man Group Plc, is the first regional prize for a work that hasn't been published in English. The result was announced last night at a dinner in Hong Kong. Man funds Britain's most prestigious literary award, the Man Booker Prize. Jiang was chosen over Jose Dalisay Jr. (``Soledad's Sister''), Reeti Gadekar (``Families at Home''), Nu Nu Yi Inwa (``Smile As They Bow'') and Xu Xi (``Habit of a Foreign Sky''). Jiang was born in Jiangsu province in 1946, and spent 11 years living with nomadic communities on the Chinese border of Inner and Outer Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution. ``Wolf Totem'' is a fictional account of life in the 1970s in China's border region that draws on his personal experience. The work is ``a panoramic novel of life on the Mongolian grasslands during the Cultural Revolution,'' said Adrienne Clarkson, who led the panel of three judges, in a statement. ``This masterly work is also a passionate argument about the complex interrelationship between nomads and settlers, animals and human beings, nature and culture.'' ``Wolf Totem'' was published in Chinese by Changjiang Art and Culture Publishing House. The English-language version is scheduled for release by Penguin in March 2008. The prize is jointly administered by representatives of the Man Hong Kong International Literary Festival, the University of Hong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. More than 240 works were submitted before the March 31 closing date, from across Asia, including Nepal, Cambodia and Macau. "
Etiquetas: china, jiang rong, NOTICIA, PREMIO, wolf totem